Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Backyard Pt 2!

So, this year marked phase II of our backyard project.  The question now is - how many phases are there to our backyard re-do?  I'm not certain of that myself - but I think at least one more phase is in order to add an outdoor fireplace and just only because I triple L.O.V.E smores.  In the meantime, our backyard has undergone a remarkable transformation over the last two years, and I dig it;  even if we didn't do one more thing, I think it's perfect! So - for the rest of the year, we're just going to sit back and enjoy it!  Oh yes, and pull some weeds - I definitely need to pull some weeds.

The many wall pictures are specifically provided just for Jenni's Rick - all of this work was courtesy of Anthony's Landscaping (except the fence - my wonderful hubby put up the fence).  Well and, 'courtesy of Anthony's' isn't quite right because as it turns out, they expect to be paid for their work.  Either way, we're totally happy with with their work AND since they lifted all those hard bricks themselves, I'm totally not sore at all - it's like I didn't do any of the work what-so-ever!  I guess I could say that it was kind of painful writing out a check paying someone else to do all the work - but it's a totally fair trade not having to move all those 75lb bricks, and truth be told - Anthony's prices are very reasonable.  So - take the plunge, call Jerry at Anthony's, and then just sit back and enjoy your summer!

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Visiting Grandma & Grandpa

We flew to Arizona a couple weeks ago to spend some time with Grandma and Grandpa Konrad. It was fun to take Eric on daily walks around the neighborhood; he got so much attention, it was almost like he was a rock star!  I'm not sure who had the most fun - Eric or us - but either way we're definitely making this trip each spring.  It was also pretty fabulous to get out of the 40 degree weather and get into the 80's - got me all warmed up for summer!  Love you Grandma and Grandpa!