Saturday, December 5, 2009

Mullet Mania

I consider myself quite fortunate to have observed three mullets in the wild recently - and all at football games - what a shocking coincidence!

October 31, 2009
Oregon Ducks vs. USC Trojans
Eugene, Oregon
I didn't even notice this mullet until after half time, and he was only two rows away. At first, out of respect, I considered just letting this one go to continue living a good life in the wild. Then I got one good look of the stripes on the side, and that was it - I raised my camera and bagged that bad boy.
I think I did a good job capturing this mullet in all its glory. But, more than being proud, I am humbled by the kill. One note of interest - his snack of choice was chili dogs. Makes sense. I spent the rest of the game with my eyes peeled making sure there were no others in the vicinity.
November 28, 2009
Apple Cup
Seattle, Washington
When Darin pointed this pair out I said, "HOLY SH*T - is that the elusive double mullet?" After careful observation though, I can't confirm to what extent there was some business in the front with this pair. There is definitely a party going on in the back. You decide. No snacking with this group - they were all football.

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