Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Idaho Cabin Trip

Here's my most favorite sister-in-law, Candy - she was in charge of pulling the kids on sleds. She'll be an RN by the end of the month, so not only could she drive the sled, but she was also prepared to provide medical assistance. :) She had them three sleds deep. They really had a great time and only took timeouts when the old snowmobile needed a break.Here's Mitchie - on his snowboard - being pulled behind a snowmobile by Darin.As it turned out, Robin and Anja were experts at making snow angels. Anja lives in Tennessee, so this was the most snow she'd ever seen. She couldn't get enough.I was playing the Humble Bumble snow monster, and here she is trying to escape. After Anja saw Payton take this spill from the last snow sled, she only wanted to ride on that sled. Candy drove much slower with Anja on the back, so she didn't fall off so dramatically, but I think the suspense was enough for her (and us)!I think it's pretty safe to say that Hayden had a great time in the snow, too. He's already pretty good at making and throwing snowballs. So - even though he's only a little guy - I'll be playing snowball wars with him for only one or two more years. Then the boys can take over. Sara loved eating the snow. She must have eaten a couple snowballs worth.She was pulled on a snow sled by hand, but Spencer did take her on a short ride or two around the meadow.Here's Matt and Robin enjoying the snow. More photos to come.

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